August 15, 2008

The third trimester...Urgh!!!

At 31weeks preggy, I am fat and clumsy. I am now currently 73kg, my last pregnancy with Sean is 76kg so 3 more kilos, and that's the max I allow myself to be. Hopefully i can stay within the target.

I consider myself very brave this time round, because i still manage to convince myself to take a few preggie photos which i didn't the last round.I am afraid that my photos will scare every soul on earth away. Haha..... Actually is more on myself which i can't accept the reality of seeing myself in that humpty dumpty stage of my life.So this photo you are seeing is very expensive now. "limited edition"

Currently am still contantly tired maybe because i can't sleep well at nite. God knows why?!!I will sleep at around 10pm or 11pm the lastest(interupted sleep) then wake up around 4am, and start counting sheeps,stars,cows whatever you name it.If i am lucky i will doze of in between before i need to wake up at 7am for work again.

I hope i can reach the finishing line soon because I am really feeling very uncomfortable with the big bump there.This will serve as a life time reminder for myself not to become so fat after pregnancy because, trust me the feeling is terrible. You are constantly bloated, the bump is always blocking your way in whatever you are doing or wants to do. Eg i can't cut my toe nail now, because i can't reach them.This never happens to me before when i had Sean. When i sit down especially on the floor i can feel that bump is getting on my way and i need some help to stand up later as my weight is too heavy for my feet to support myself up.No joke about it!!!

Everything that i eat seems not to be nice maybe it's because of my own cooking or what am not sure since everyone knows my cooking skill is (pte ltd) But i still eat alot for the sake of eating. This explains why my weight is always increasing in an alarming rate.

I am still comtemplating whether to go for natural or caesarean. Read many scary stories about natural birth which says the pain will goes between 3hrs to 30hours. Mind you, 3 hours is only the minority (the the lucky ones). Of course you have your pain relief to standby but some after effect just makes me sick. "nausea, puking, dizziness and worst part is you still need to hook up to the urine catheter which i hate the most. Sigh....

Have book myself in 1 of those VBAC class on 11th September, what a date right?Hopefully i can remember because i forgotten 1 of the appt the last round. If i miss this again i wouldn't be in time for the next lesson.Hope they will teach me everything from breathing to pushing (if you understand what i mean) because i seriously know nuts about giving birth. Have not attend any classes before.I think my midwife will suffer some kind of mental stress on internal injury when she helps me to deliver later.

Despite all the complaints i have, believe if or not i still luv my No 2 alot. Still looking forward to see her. Hoping and praying that she will be in good health when she is born.She is a super active baby I can feel it. Constantly kicking and moving inside me. Practicing her pilates or yoga movements. I hope when she is born she will takes thing easy as I wouldn't want her to be so active during the nite time when everyone needs to sleep.

Exactly 2 more months from now till my EDD. Counting down to see her soon.I am hoping she will be out by 38weeks, at least it saves me from extra 2 weeks of torturing.But people usually says the more you want it the more it wouldn't happen, who knows she feels too comfortable inside and refuse to come out even by week 40. see how it goes will update soon again.

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