August 15, 2008

The Pear Story

There is this teacher from Sean's cc name Rajaa which i quite like. She will constantly feedback to you what she did or how your kid behave/react in the school.

So one day as usual i went to pick Sean up, she told me Sean doesn't eat fruits except for banana. This of course I am aware. So she told me she tries to encourage him by saying if he finishes his pear he will gets his banana. Sean obliged, because it's an outsider talking to him so he dare not defy. This trick wouldn't work at home.

So later at nite when i am trying to engage in a small coversation with him by asking what did he eat in the school for lunch? I always do that because i want to encourage him to feedback to me on what's happening in his daily life and i also really need to know what he is doing.

The conversation goes :

Me : Sean, what did you eat in school for lunch today?
Sean : Hmm...(thinking) I don't know. (That's his favorite reply wonder whether ixit because he can not remember)
Me : Did you eat rice or pasta? (actually i already know the answer and trying to help him recall))
Sean : I eat pasta. I eat pears and bananas.
Me : WOW yummy yummy
Sean : I don't like pears, I like only Bananas. Can you help me to tell the teacher i don't like pears

He went on :

Sean : Mummy can you remember to tell the teacher tomorrow that i don't like pear.

I was like **faint**Is he smart or what? He doesn't dare to defy his teacher's instruction and he knows even if he says no the teacher will still ask him to eat it. So he wants me to go and tell the teacher which he thinks it will definetely works better.

I am amused.

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