July 25, 2008

Should i try it tonight??

Its was 4am today, when Sean started to crawl onto my bed and sleep next to me. He requested to take off his nappy, we didnt agree initially because we worried that he may wet our bed. After " a short crying and drama" we obliged because we just wanted to get back to sleep. But we remind him that he can't wee on our bed and if he needs to do so, he have to get up and go to the toilet.

At 6.30am, he wokes up again telling me he needs to go to the toilet.Jerry and I was just too happy,(**bream with proud***) he really can wakes up and tell us his needs instead of just wetting the bed. I have tried that during his noon nap and i know so far he is doing fine, only at night i still don't have the courage to do yet due to the long hours of sleep plus he usually will drink 1 big bottle of milk before he sleep. And of course because we are lazy so if accident does happens it will means that we need to change the sheets and our beautiful sleep will be disturb. Haha

But Sean did well this morning and i am proud of him. My initially plan was to start him only when my mum is here so that she can help. But am now playing with the idea that we can starts going nappiless for him now. We left with 1 bag of nappy if he succeeds it will means that's the last bag of nappy that we are going to use and we don't have to buy more***accounting brand is working again -can save more money**

Ok finalise the plan will be we will start him on a 3DAY trial of nappi-less, cut down his milk intake at night.Get a water proof bed protecter for him incase he really does wet the bed. Result shall be announce in a weeks time. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mummy Yen, so proud of my god son ! Good try !