September 16, 2008

TV addict

Sean is a TV addict. He enjoys watching his cartoon dvd almost everyday and whenever he is at home. Despite the fact that he has watch the same cartoon for thousand times before.He will hog onto the tv, if possible 7/24hr, not giving me a chance to watch my korean series.

We reckon that is very bad for him, so we have set a rule that he can only watch his cartoon dvd only during weekends and only for a max of 1 hr a day. I will try to be a little lenient if the dvd that he choose is those educational ones, if not it will strictly be 1hr.He oblige,unwillingly of course.

Initial stage a lot of whinning and tantrum throwing....but to no avail coz I am very strict with the rule that i set. So what happen now every Saturday is the moment he opens his eyes he will request to go out brush his teeth and eat his breakfast. Because he knows that only after he does those routine work then he is allow to watch the favourite Ninja cartoon of his.

Yes he has grown up, Bob the builder, Barney, Thomas train is the thing of a past for him. He is not into Robots, Ninja turtle, Kungfu panda, Spiderman those fighting heroes and games. Faint... he is so into it that he request me to buy things in those cartoon figure for him eg socks-ninja turtle, clothes, undies-spiderman. If given a choice he will always choose to wear those first

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