August 15, 2007

Visiting Farm

I have been very busy lately because i have started working with a Construction Company doing accounts, so really cann't find time to post Sean's daily activities in his blog. ANd because i am full of guitly feeling right now so i thought in order not to dissapoint those who luv sean alot i shall better post something out.
Actually we spent most of the weekend with the Choo's family. They are very nice people, we always eat out together and at times at their place. They can cook very well especially Felix. If not we will try to organize activities where both our small kids can play. Sean and Caleb is getting along well. They like to play with each other, chasing each other and when 1 does some silly actions the other one will follow(just like monkey see and monkey do).
One of the weekends we actually went to a farm near our place. Yes... is a farm in the city not too bad right, at least donn't have to drive until so far away to see farm animals. Below are some photos taken at the farm visit. Despite the cold weather, the kids still enjoyed themselves alot chasing after the animals. We also had a very expensive breakfast there, maybe because the food there are organic eg organic poached egg, their own grown mushroom thats why is expensive. But overall everything is quite alright.
We are even planning to go for farmstay somewhere this month or next month, just a short trip for the kids since my mum is here as well then she can tag along.

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