Just want to pen down a couple of incidents for the month before I forgets about it. I know I have not been updating Sean's blog recently that is because I really do not have the time to do so. ANyway just a short ones here.
1)Pushing of other kids (July)
So far I have been told twice by the school that Sean's is pushing his friends in class. Actually is only 1 victim (a girl) and he even bites her (the same girl) on a separate day. I am not sure what exactly happens or did the girl actually aggitates thus leads to Seans' behavior and action. But the first thing that comes to my mind is why is it the same girl? But I do notice he likes to push other kids, maybe he is trying to play with them but just that he cann't control his actions and thinking that pushing is part of playing. I really don' t know, so now what we do was we constantly reminds him that his action is wrong and may cause harm to another kids. So far as at 15/08/07 i think he improves because no more complaints from the school and according to his class teacher, he is doing quite well lately.

2) Fell down from bicycle.
He got a cut on his lower lip on the right side while playing with a bicycle in school. Nothing very serious. so no need to worry about it. The thing that impressed me was he can even tell me himself that "Sean falls down bike, got blood blood, Rubeha (which is 1 of the teacher) wipe " exact words of what he said to me.

3)New Bicycle
We bought him a new bicycle and he likes it alot. The reason why we bought him the bicycle is because we always tell him that he should goes to school and no crying because both daddy and mummy needs to work then only we got money to buy him new toys. So in order not to bluff him we decided to reward him the bike since he always like to ride on a bike in school and also in any toy department store. He does improves alot, as in not crying anymore when we send him to the school, the tricky part is only when we wakes him up early in the morning, he can be very cranky at times not wanting to wakes up so early.
His appette is quite good until recently where he is down with flu and fever. He skipped class 1 day just to rest at home, luckily jerry 's off that day. He is down with mild fever, flu and coughing. Some of Jerry's friend was saying tha flu is quite common for kids during winter so it should be alright. You can see them with flu now, recover the next few days and comes back again. So they say nothing to worry about. As for his coughing....sigh..... at times is so bad that he can even vomits out the food that he had eaten earlier. Sometimes i feel that he did it on purpose because I notice when he doesn't want to eat the food he tends to throw out often by coughing. And because he likes to swallow food before chewing thus causing indigestion and leads to throwing out easily. Now we try to give him more smaller meals hopefully it helps because we are really tired with cleaning the vomitting mess.
I am not sure how tall is he, but alot of people who has seen Sean tends to say that he is quite tall for his age. Maybe because he is kind of skinny so he looks taller as well. Weight...not much difference about 13kg consider as healthy for his age but i hope he can gain abit more weight because you can see his rib cage if you take out his shirt.
Major improvement. He starts to form sentences these days even though some words still unclear but you can more or less know what is he trying to say. Not only me, even the teacher can understand so i think is really good. He likes to sing when we play his songs, not the whole song of course. Recognizing most colors and counting numbers. Even the teacher is the school also praise him.
Consider quite alright, not very naughty and yet not very obedient. He has got his own character. When he doesn't want something is quite difficult to force/coax him into wanting the thing. When he wants something, he is very determine and he will make sure he gets it most of the time by bugging us the whole day. Very impatient boy, can not wait. Very playful and "tham jiak" For the sake of eating "rubbish" (tidbits) you can ask him to do whatever you want him to do. Likes to eat noodles, biscuits and lots of rubbish(chocolates, sweets,potato chips). Favorite is still biscuits, don't know why. At his age now he tends to be abit selfish and doesn't like to share his toys. Still super fanatic about cars, like basically everything that do with cars.
I think i have cover most of him. Will try to keep a constant update in future.