August 12, 2009

Too busy to updates

As mentioned in my previous post, my FIL is here for 3 mths, helping us to look after the kids and cooking.He kind of enjoys it as he seldom sees his grand kids.My son always con him into buying toys and snacks for him. He snacks too much lately until he actually fall sick. Sean was down with fever and coughing a week ago.

As for mei mei she also seems to be naugtier,my FIL tends to carry her alot during the day so now she refuse to sit down and play by her own. Always want to be carry as soon as she opens her eye. The moment you put her down she will start yelling.

So far it has been so good, he cook for us without any complains which I appreciate it.I must admit that sometimes there are things that we sort of like have different opinions, or perhaps it's just me being fussy.To me it may be standard things to do or most logical way to do but then again I try to convince myself that everyone tends to have different perceptions and different ways of doing things. But long and short of it, i still appreacite his help lah.

With him around we have celebrated a few event, my mum's birthday which i forgotten to upload those photos earlier.

Then we had pot luck at another Singaporean friend/neighbour's (no photo's taken paisey coz first them eat at their place) and also National Day celebration.

Anyway it's also good that my kids can get to spend sometime with him because we don't always have a chance to fly back and even if we do fly back it's like a short 1-2weeks.

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