November 12, 2007

Sean's development at almost 30months

Sean is officially off "dummy"-pacifier. Hopefully *fingers crossed*. He did not have it to sleep with for 2 weeks already. Of course he didnt sleep as well as compare with times where he had his dummy. We managed to convince him not to have dummy because we show him a snail, 2 weeks back and told him that the naughty snail took his dummy away. He buys our story and every now and then he still complains that the snail is naughty. Hopefully he will get over it soon.

Speech developments, improves alot, but this really depends on his mood whether he wants to talk or not. He is more shy with stranger so he tends to mumble or talk lessor when outsiders are around.If not when he is at home, he can talk real clear and loud.He now enjoys singing, we caught him singing a few times and doing the actions while he sang as well.Songs like "twinkle twinkle little stars", "Baa Baa black sheeps", and his favourite song " Wheels on the Bus Goes Round & Round" It's really cute when you see him singing and doing the actions together. Although, his pronounciation is not as clear yet when he sings but you can more or less catch and understand what he is singing. I think he learn all these from the school. But again,this really must depend on his mood.

Height, grown taller i think. I have never measure him before, but he does look taller to me. But weight wise...Sigh....getting skinnier each day.He eats very little nowadays on proper meal, we seldom let him snack so that he can eat more, but it doesn't work. Current favourite "proper food" is mince pork and potatoe porridge. He will only finish all the pork and potatoe and the porridge water and leave the rice behind.Sometimes he does not even eat it. So i count myself lucky when he actually does, eventhough is abit. Still go mad with all the junk food, especially biscuits, but he is too heaty lately, as he doesn't drink water so we cut down alot on biscuit which makes him even skinnier. I am still wondering is it because of the 4 jabs that he took within this month that causes him to fall sick and lose appetite. Anyway I plan to fatten him in the month of December, after all the jabs have clear in his body. So that he can be chubby boy when he goes back to Singapore next year. Hopefully it works.

Other than that he is still a very active boy who luvs, outdoor activities, he enjoys playing with balls, running around chasing after them, swimming and we hope to introduce more sports activity for him,(to tire him, haha) with Jerry planning to buy a basket ball net.

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